Model PIOD24 is a Type II PCMCIA card (PC Card). It contains 24-bit parallel digital I/O circuits and three 16-bit counters. A 3-ft. long cable that mates with PIOD24 on one end and has a 37-pin male sub-D connector on the other end is available as Model PIOD24CAB.
ACCES supplies drivers and example programs to provide complete access to the PIOD24 variety of programming languages and operating systems; including DOS, 16-bit and 32-bit Windows (Windows 3.x vs Windows 95 and Windows NT).
Many packaged application programs support similar ISA cards, but to use the full functionality requires a customized driver. Please call ACCES to acquire the appropriate driver or DLL for your program.
PCMCIA Card and Socket services must be loaded on the host computer system before using the PIOD24 card and is typically supplied by the PCMCIA slot provider (the laptop or adaptor manufacturer) to provide the software interface to the card slot drive. In addition, our TSR memory-resident program, described below, is required to configure the card once it is recognized by the card and socket services.
The Card and Socket services handle the PCMCIA slot software interface with your operating system when a new card is inserted (or removed) or when power is applied (or upon shut-down). Once the PCMCIA Card and Socket Services recognizes the PIOD24 card it will then appear to your application software like a card on the internal ISA bus.