If you just double-click DPM.exe to run it, it will default to taking readings every 10 seconds, and log files will be created wherever DPM.exe is. These things can be changed on the command line, which is normally done via shortcuts. Note that Windows Seven limits file creation in the Program Files dir, so if you put it there you'll need to make sure to run it with a different starting dir for the log files. It's probably best to put it outside Program Files.
To create a shortcut specifying these things, right-click on DPM.exe and click Create Shortcut. Then right-click on the shortcut and click Properties. The Target edit gives the command line, which is where an interval is specified, by adding a /I=[interval seconds] parameter. For example, if this is already C:\DPM\DPM.exe and you want it to acquire once a minute, change the command line to C:\DPM\DPM.exe /I=60. The Start In edit gives the starting dir, which is where DPM will put the log files. For example, if you're wanting to keep DPM.exe in Program Files and the log files just off root, this may already be C:\Program Files\DPM; change it to C:\DPM.
The log files have a file name including the group number, the date, and the hour. They use a horizontal layout to improve sharing.
To view the realtime voltage & temperature data in a spreadsheet, click the Copy DDE button, then paste the resulting DDE link into the spreadsheet. This uses a vertical layout to make room for realtime graphs and such.
To paste a DDE link into Excel 2010, add a Paste Link button to the ribbon, select a 3×257 range of cells (like A1..C257), and click Paste Link.